1:1 Coaching & Mentoring with me
Guidance and support that's tailored to you.
Can you relate?
You’re overwhelmed by grief, stress and anxiety
You’re feeling isolated and alone
You’re exhausted by trying to control everything but are terrified that if you loosen your grip, your dream of having a bay will slip away from you
You feel like a failure as a woman, blaming yourself and your body for your situation
Your worn down by the monthly cycle of disappointment and you’re struggling to come to terms with how you’ll keep going, with no clear end in sight.
​You’re fearful of making the ‘wrong’ decision, unclear about how to move forward
You’re desperate to get your life back to the way it was before you were trying to conceive
You know that pushing and controlling is not the answer (you want to soften and open to a different way) but you just don’t know how

Maybe you have...
Read the books, done the diets, seen all the practitioners and spent countless hours researching online.
You've propped yourself up in the short term, only to find that you spiral back into grief and despair.
Maybe you’ve come to the realisation that you can’t do this alone. You need someone who not only has the expertise and experience to support you, but you also want someone who has walked in your shoes and who truly understands.

If this is you, I see you.
This exactly what I experienced during my 10-year fertility journey.
I felt completely stressed out, anxious and depressed. My quality of life had all but vanished.
It was at the lowest point on my struggle with infertility that I made a conscious decision to take a break from pushing for a pregnancy at all costs and instead, focus first and foremost on feeling good again.
To do this, I committed to putting all the strategies that I taught others about coping with stress in my professional life into action and started applying them in earnest in my personal life.
It wasn’t easy and things didn’t change overnight. However, slowly but surely, I was able to turn things around and reclaim my inner peace and happiness.
Imagine feeling...
Resilient in the face of setbacks and disappointments on your fertility journey
Able to engage fully in your life and with the things that bring you joy
A strengthening of the relationships in your life
A rekindling of your connection to your partner
Genuine compassion for yourself and all that you’re going through
Calm and clear about the path forward
A sense of equanimity, irrespective of the challenges you face

Coaching + mentoring

With the Open to Life Coaching Program...
You'll be supported by a unique combination of 'Science, Soul & Wisdom'; learning powerful strategies for coping with the stress of infertility.
You'll discover proven methods that are science-backed mind-body practices but that are also infused with the wisdom & soul of eastern philosophies.
All of this will enable you to...
Reduce the impact that stress, anxiety and grief are having on you
Shift your habitual thought patterns from fear-based to constructive and positive
Enhance your resilience, reducing the impact that challenges and disappointments have on you
Diminish the sense of isolation and the need to go it ‘go it alone’ out of self-preservation
Heal your relationship with yourself and your body (no more self-blame and self-loathing)
Increase your capacity to make difficult decisions about how to move forward on your fertility journey with ease and confidence
Expand your capacity to let go of control so you can surrender and step into the flow and allow the best path to motherhood to unfold for you
Unhook from pushing and striving and instead, explore a softer, gentler way of walking through life
The outcome will be a powerful shift in your mindset and mood, a sense of inner calm, the capacity to loosen your grip, and the ability to move forward with clarity and ease on your fertility journey.
Open to Life Coaching Program Options
6-week coaching and mentoring program.
Your 6-week support package will enable us to work on some of the bigger challenges you’re experiencing. We will formulate a tailored plan with strategies and practices you can adopt over a 6-week period so you that you can start to reclaim a sense of balance and harmony within your being again.
sessions conducted by phone3 x 60-minute one-on-one coaching
Pre-coaching questionnaire
Unlimited Voxer voice messaging coaching between sessions
Investment: AUD$1,050 or 3 fortnightly payments of $350
3-month transformation coaching and mentoring program.
Your commitment to 6 calls will pave the way for deep transformation as we develop a tailored plan as I guide and support you through the process of understanding your challenges and responses, formulating a foundation and practice of self-care and developing new skills and tools that will enable you to transform yourself and your life from the inside out, irrespective of what's happening on your fertility journey.
6 x 60-minute one-on-one coaching sessions conducted by phone
Pre-coaching questionnaire
Unlimited Voxer voice messaging coaching between sessions
BONUS: Open to Life 'Befriending Your Grief' meditation
Investment: AUD$1,950 or 6 fortnightly payments of $325

This coaching program is for you if:
- You’re ready to commit to change, having realised that you can’t continue the way you are
- You’re open to learning new strategies to bring about positive change in your life
- You’re willing to commit to forming new habits and putting strategies into action
This coaching program is not for you if:
- You are experiencing extreme anxiety or depression (please contact your GP or consult a registered psychologist)
- You’re only seeking emotional support as a priority over learning and adopting new strategies to help you to cope (a counsellor can assist you
well with emotional support)
- Your primary intention for doing the program is to increase your chances of getting pregnant

Now is the ideal time to sign up for coaching & mentoring because
You no longer have to struggle on your own.
You don’t have to continue feeling overwhelmed by grief and anxiety.
You don’t need to keep putting your life on hold.
Signing up now for the Open to Life coaching program now means you can start to reclaim your life and feel like yourself again NOW.
About Sarah Reece
Sarah is the founder of Open to Life and her mission is to support women who are struggling with infertility by teaching them how to transcend their anxiety and grief and find inner peace and calm even in the midst of crisis.
Sarah is an ICF-accredited coach and highly-experienced facilitator of 20 years, a certified yoga teacher and a qualified meditation teacher since 2004. She is also accredited in acceptance and commitment therapy, neuro-linguistic programming and ego state therapy
For 20 years, Sarah has been fulfilling her passion of empowering others, having supported thousands of people with learning the knowledge and tools required to elevate their lives in such a way that they are able to bring about powerful change for themselves.
Having gone through infertility, IVF, recurrent surgeries and eventually egg donation and surrogacy on her 10-year journey to motherhood, Sarah understands first-hand the importance of providing this kind of support to women on a similar path.
Sarah’s approach is suited to women who are looking for practical, proven steps to help them shift their thinking but who are also seeking a soulful and compassionate container so they can slow down, loosen their grip, reclaim their inner peace, feel inspired and move forward with clarity and ease whilst trying to have a baby.

+ mentor
Is there a payment plan option?
Yes, you can pay 6 fortnightly payments of $325 for the 3-month program or 3 fortnightly payments of $350 for the 6-week coaching program.
Can I get my money back if coaching isn’t for me?
A refund is available for 2 weeks after the first coaching session to provide you with the opportunity to apply some of the strategies we discuss and confirm that the program is 100% for you (however, I’m confident you’ll love the outcome)!
How much time will I need to invest each week to get the best results?
Whilst it will depend on how quickly you want to transform, just 20 minutes a day will assist you with making strong progress. Many of the strategies we’ll explore can be built into your normal daily activities.
Do the sessions follow a set structure or will they be tailored to my needs?
Whilst there is often a common pathway that women struggling with infertility tend to follow when seeking to navigate infertility, I will always 100% tailor the sessions to you based on where you’re at, what you’re struggling with most and which strategies tend to resonate with you the most.
Can you guarantee results?
Whilst I cannot guarantee results, I can assure you that the tools and practices I’ll support you with are scientifically-researched and evidenced-based. So if you commit to putting these strategies into practice, you’re giving yourself the best opportunity to achieve the outcomes that you’re seeking.